• JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (日本学術振興会 外国人特別研究員PD)

    Chao Tang was employed by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) as a foreigner postdoctoral research fellow. This is the third fellowship I have got from JSPS, after the fellowship of JSPS special research fellow DC1, and special research fellow PD.

    Funding, New job 2021.12 Result released in HP of JSPS
  • Assistant professor in RIEC, Tohoku University

    Chao Tang was employed by the RIEC, Tohoku University as an assistant professor, working for researches related to 5G/6G communication and device development

    New job 2021.11
  • Conference 'RJUSE-TeraTech2021' was successfully held in Sendai, Japan.

    The workshop RJUSE-TeraTech2021 has been successfully held in Sendai, Japan. This conference lasted for three days, and we had over 50 presentations from over eight countries, including Japan, Russia, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Spain, and England. Thank you for joining us, and see you at the next symposium!

    Conference host 2021.11 Closing ceremony Banquet Conference HP
  • Conference ' RJUSE Tera-Tech2021' registration opened

    The 9th Russia-Japan-USA-Europe (RJUSE) Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Problems of Terahertz Devices and Technologies (Tera-Tech) will be held in Nov. 2021. RJUSE Tera-Tech is annually held by researchers from the above countries/areas, and the newest progress of terahertz technologies and applications will be presented and discussed at the conference. This year the Symposium will be held in a hybrid mode with WEB online and onsite at RIEC, Tohoku University. Many famous researchers and specialists will address their plenary/invited talks at the conference. We are calling for papers until July 31, 2021. For more information, please feel free to contact me or check our website. It is our honor to have your participations.

    Conference host 2021.4 Conference HP
  • Best poster award in JIM-2019 autumn meeting

    The 2019 autumn meeting of the japan institute of metals and materials (JIM) was held in Okayama, Japan. Our results about Van der Waals crystals' nonlinear optical properties were presented in the meeting. Our poster won the best post award of the conference.

    Conference award 2019.9 Photo1 Press Release JIM HP
  • 2019 Joint Symposium on MSE was successfully held in Sendai

    2019 Joint Symposium on material science and engineering (MSE) for the 21st Century was successfully held in Sendai. MSE is a workshop among the leading university in Asia, including Tohoku Univ. USTB, KAIST, and so on. This symposium has been held annually since 2003 and organized by students and was held at Science campus hall in Aobayama campus of Tohoku University by our organizing committee. There were about hundred specialists, researchers, and students joining our workshop and enjoyed their 3-days trip in Sendai. I also made a presentation related to the THz technologies in the meeting and obtained the best oral presentation award.

    Conference host, Conference award 2019.7 News of the conference Press release in Tohoku university HP
  • President award of the school of engineering, Tohoku University

    Chao Tang won the President award of the school of engineering in Tohoku University. The president award is the award for the graduate student who gets the best grade in his major (No. 1 in GPA). There were 18 prize-winners in the fiscal year 2018, corresponding to 18 colleges in the graduate school of engineering.

  • Oral presentation award in IEICE2018

    The workshop related to electronic devices was held in Sendai by the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE). Our results about the low-temperature crystal growth and THz generation were presented at the conference. My proceeding entitled 'The crystal growth and optical properties of layered semiconductor InSe' won the best oral presentation award at the conference.

    Conference award 2018.12 IEICE HP
  • Funding from Shotoku Science Foundation

    My project 'Construction of THz light source system for nondestructive detection' was verified by the committee of Shotoku Science Foundation and got financial support from Shotoku Science foundation till next year.

    Funding 2018.10
  • JSPS research fellow DC1

    Chao Tang was employed by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) as a special research fellow DC1; the related project 'the construction of THz system implemented with high-quality InSe chalcogenide' obtained the funding from JSPS with grant No. 19J20564 (grant-in-aid).

  • Best oral award in ICNST2018

    国際学会ICNST2018を参加し、Best oral awardを受賞しました。
    Our results about the crystal growth of InSe were presented at '2018 International Conference on Nano Science Technology (ICNST 2018)'. Chao Tang won the best oral presentation award in the conference.

  • STEM2016 was successfully held in Nanjing

    The international workshop STEM2016 was successfully held in Nanjing, China. The opening ceremony of the 'Center of Quantum Material Microstructure' in Nanjing University was held at the same time. Professor Yuichi Ikuhara from the University of Tokyo addressed a plenary speech entitled 'Advanced Super STEM characterization of Ceramic Grain Boundaries.' We visited the newly established lab in Nanjing Univ. Xianlin campus and enjoyed a nice trip in Nanjing.

    Conference host 2016.6 Photo1